Other writing by Gervase Bushe

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The Future of OD

Bushe, G.R. & Nagaishi, M. (2018) Imaginging the Future Through the Past: OD is Not (Just) about Change. Organization Development Journal, 35:3, 23-36.

Translated into Japanese : 歴史的視点から,OD の将来像をイメージする ― OD は変化を起こすため (だけ) のものではない ― 組織開発研究, 2019, 3, 10-24.

1. Bushe, G.R. & Marshak, R.J. (2018) Valuing both the journey and the destination in organization development. In D. Jamieson, A. Church, & J. Vogelsang (Eds.), Enacting values-based change: Organization development in action. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bushe, G.R. (2017) Where Organization Development Thrives. Val Hammonds Research Competition winner, Roffey Park Institute.

Bushe, G.R. (2017) Creating collaborative organizations that can persist: The partnership principle. OD Practitioner, 49:3, 23-29.

Other Topics

Bushe, G.R. & Chu, A. (2011) Fluid teams: Solutions to the problems of unstable team membership. Organization Dynamics, 40:3, 181-188.

Bushe, G.R. & Pitman, T. (2008) Performance amplification: Building the strength based organization. Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner, Special Issue on Strength Based Organizations, 10:4:23-26.

Bushe, G.R. & Coetzer, G.H. (2007) Group development and team effectiveness: Using shared cognitions to measure the impact of group development on task performance and group viability. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 43:2, 184-212. Winner of the Douglas McGregor Memorial Award for best paper published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science in 2007.

Bushe, G.R. (2005) Praise and blessing: The function of the leader archetype. Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner, 7:4, 41-43.

Bushe, G.R. (2004) Managers want tribes not teams: An invitation to rethink teambuilding. Organization Development Practitioner, 36:1, 9-12.

Bushe, G.R. (1998) Power and the empowered organization: The design of power in highly adaptive organizations. Organization Development Practitioner. 30:4, pp.31-43.

Bushe, G.R., Havlovic, S.J. & Coetzer, G. (1996) Exploring empowerment from the inside-out, Part 2. Journal for Quality and Participation, 19:3, 78-84.

Bushe, G.R., Havlovic, S.J. & Coetzer, G. (1996) Exploring empowerment from the inside-out. Journal for Quality and Participation, 19:1, 36-45. One of 22 articles selected for the 1996 Anbar Management Hall of Fame from over 13,000 articles reviewed from the 400 leading management journals world wide.

Bushe, G.R. & Gibbs, B. (1990) Predicting OD consulting competence from the MBTI and stage of ego development. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 26, 337-357.